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TC Electronic / TC Group Partial list of products, algorithms, tools and technologies with contribution from Søren H. Nielsen:
Products - and selected algorthms and technologies in them:
Finalizer: Digital radiance generator (a light distorion for mastering purposes); meter characteristics; auto-fade characteristics; handling of AES/SPDIF channel status and user bits.
DBMax: 5-band perfectly recombining filterbank with asymmetric slopes for dynamics processing; automatic gain control; linear og pre-emphasised limiters; adaptive stereo widening.
G-Force: Overall structure of signal path, routing and modifiers - including modifier mapping functions; noise gate; RMS based compressor a.k.a. Soft Compressor (dbx 160-inspired); Drive (pedal-like distortion); Wah-wah; Formant; .
FireWorx: Ring modulator; Vocoder.
TC Tools 2: Softsat EQ.
Gold Channel: Overall signal path; parametric EQ with soft clipping; Semiparametric EQ (Neve 1066 model); flexible and adaptive de-esser/dynamic EQ; feedback-type compressor a.k.a. Vintage Compressor (inspired by Urei 1176)
System 6000: Multichannel dynamics; multichannel toolbox including bass management, downmixing, test signal generation; adaptive true-peak limiter (a.k.a.ISP limiter).
DB-8: Automatic loudness control.
Triple-C: Envelope generator/shaper (triggered).
LabGruppen amps: Enhanced ISP limiter.
RH 450 bass guitar amp: Overall signal path and gain structure; TubeTone; Active Power Management.
Polytune guitar tuner: Overall signal path, interactive prototype.
A selection of algorithms, used in various products:
Phaser: Model of the analogue processing in the TC XII phaser pedal. Extension to stereo output. UniVibe - phaser: Model of UniVibe-type phaser, with two LFO speeds and speed ramping. Tri-Chorus: A multiple output chorus. DVR-2: Accurate modelling of the vintage digital reverb unit EMT 250. ISP Limiter: A peak level limiter with adaptive time constants and true-peak measurement. OKKE: A reverse echo effect. Back-porting of several DSP algorithms from Freescale/Motorola to high-level language: De-esser, Par EQ, multiband dynamics, G-Force reverb.
Some tools:
Creation of TC's first realtime environment for development, modification and test of audio signal processing algorithms, based on Silicon Graphics (unix) computers and the SI++ program package (1996). This tool has been used for development since the Finalizer until it was superseded by the new platform AlgoFlex. The VSS series of reverbs are among the many algorithms developed in the SGI environment. One element of the tool is automatic generation (at run time) of graphical user interfaces (GUIs) using very simple description files.
Audio network in TCE's Development Department, based on glass fibre and AES3 balanced connections. Connections to Studio, Basement Studio and Server Room. In its present form it can be used for AES3 and ADAT formatted audio.
AlgoFlex, the third generation of realtime audio development platforms. Together with two collegues and three French students this new platform was established. Many extensions and improvements have been made since. Also this platform comprise a tool for automatic generation of GUIs.
Linux and Unix on system administrator, developer and user level.
Wiki system administration.
Aalborg Universitet Ph.D. project: "Distance Perception in Hearing". Design of computer controlled audio attenuators for listening experiments. Design and implementation of software for playback of audio files and graphical collection of listener responses. Conceivement, design and implementation of an interactive exhibition: "A World of Sound". Co-design of DSP board for the "A World of Sound" exhibition. Design of hardware for wired remote control of B&O sound reproduction equipment.
Institut für Rundfunktechnik GmbH Improvement of the psycho-acoustic models in MPEG Layer II audio coding - resulting in a German patent. Optimised bit allocation strategies in MPEG audio coding. Extension of MPEG Layer II to lower sampling rates (16, 22.05 and 24 kHz). HW for transmitting and receiving bit streams for MPEG audio codec testing (X.21 interface). Bit streams for compliance testing of MPEG audio codecs. Demonstrator hardware for MPEG audio codecs - remote control and indicators. Designed and implemented a measurement system for perceived audio quality.